Physical Geography Options: Hazardous Environments

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Paper 3
Advanced Physical Geography Options 1 hour 30 minutes
Candidates answer questions on two of the optional topics.
Each topic consists of one structured question (10 marks) and a
choice of essay questions (20 marks).

60 marks
– 25% of the total A level qualification.

9.3 Hazards resulting from atmospheric disturbances

Hurricane: A tropical storm is a large low pressure system characterised by high winds and heavy rain. They are also known as typhoons in East and South-east Asia and cyclones around the Indian Ocean. To be classified as a tropical storm, winds must exceed 119km/hr (74 mph). Small low pressure systems are called tropical storms (63-118km/hr) and tropical depressions (0-62km/hr).

a. What are the different names given to tropical storms in different parts of the world?
b. What are the ‘key ingredients’ of hurricane formation?
c. In what latitudes do tropical storms form?
d. Find out what latent heat means (not on video)
e. Explain with the use of a diagram (hand drawn) how a tropical storm forms.
f. How are tropical storms measured?
g. Using the diagram below, explain how a storm surge occurs and the dangers it presents.

Task 1 – Watch the CBS YouTube video above. Outline how storms are tracked before they make landfall in the USA.

Task 2 – Conduct some research into the National Hurricane Centre in the USA. Complete a brief 5W’s (Who/What/Why/When/Where) case study on the organisation. 

Task 3 – Study the image below. Take a screen shot of/copy the map and comment on the following: a. The differences in the pattern of tropical storm tracking movement between the northern and southern hemisphere
b. The spatial distribution of locations where 3.0 or more storms occur annually
c. Explain why France only rarely experiences tropical storm events.


Task 4 – Predicting Risk to Life
a. Which USA States and cities are most at risk in the the USA from hurricane activity according to the map above. b. Which Caribbean islands are most at risk? 

Task 5– Using a copy of the graph below: a. How long does the tropical storm season last for? b. Which time period sees the most hurricane activity? c. Describe the trend of hurricane events during a typical storm season d. When do Hurricane Forecast Centre staff take their holidays?!


Using the graph below:

  1. Describe the pattern of tropical storm activity between 1970 – 2013  (4)
  2. Describe the trend of tropical storm activity between 1970 – 2013.  (4)

Explain the link between Global Warming and tropical storms as set out by Time magazine. 

Tropical Storm Prediction  

Watch the two videos below and read the ‘further research’ articles. Take notes on the different methods that geographers, scientists and climatologists use to make estimates of the probability of a tropical storm happening and where they will strike (see below for headings to structure your notes). Concentrate on the theory only and we will apply this to your case studies in the next task. 

Titles for your notes:

1. Methods (IT, equipment, observations)

2. Locations in danger (spatial mapping, overlaying vulnerable areas to maps of settlements, oceans etc)

3. Impact on life and property (planning, response)

4. Accuracy (in time and space)

Further research
Guardian Online – June 2012 – here
As the Atlantic hurricane season begins, the forecasters are all over the map

Washington Post – August 2012 – Pt 1 here Pt 2 here

Hurricane Prediction: A Not So Exact Science – here

Hurricane Katrina

Use the following to complete your case study information for Hurricane Katrina:

Hurricane Katrina – Presentation and Images
Hurricane Katrina  – Factsheet

Wikipedia Entry – Hurricane Katrina 2005

BBC News Pages on Hurricane Katrina 2005

Track of Hurricane Katrina

Predicting Hurricanes

What they said before/ after:

What happened:

Use the videos to outline the level of prediction that was supplied before the event itself and what actions were taken due to the prediction.


Published by bexgoesglobal

Travel addict. Educator. Dog parent.

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